Revolutionary Road

What does a cult 1961 Richard Yates novel about a 1950s marriage rotting in the burbs have to say to a new century? Plenty, and hold on, because the raw and riveting Revolutionary Road hits you where it hurts. To hear Kate Winslet, as April Wheeler, express her desire "to be wonderful in the world" is to be reminded of stifled urges with no expiration date.

Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, as her husband, Frank, could not be better in the roles of young marrieds who (shades of Mad Men) move from Manhattan to the suburbs, promising themselves it's all just temporary. April dreams of taking off for Paris, where she'll work while Frank pursues his artistic impulses. Add two kids, thwarted ambitions, adultery — Frank with a secretary (a vivid Zoe Kazan) and April with a married neighbor (the excellent David Harbour) — plus April's unwanted third pregnancy, and the whooshing sound you hear is a dream in free-fall.

Directed with extraordinary skill by Sam Mendes (American Beauty), who warms the chill in the Yates-faithful script by Justin Haythe, the film is a tough road well worth traveling. Camera genius Roger Deakins lights the "hopeless emptiness" on view with a terrible beauty. All the actors amaze. Start the award buzz for Michael Shannon as John Givings, the institutionalized son of a gossipy realtor (the ever-superb Kathy Bates). Home on a visit, John spits the truth at Frank and April. Playing the role like a heat-seeking missile that targets hypocrisy, the volcanic Shannon scores a knockout. DiCaprio is in peak form, bringing layers of buried emotion to a defeated man. And the glorious Winslet defines what makes an actress great, blazing commitment to a character and the range to make every nuance felt. Winslet's last scene, as April prepares breakfast for a husband who can't see the torment behind her smile, is emotionally devastating. This movie takes a piece out of you.

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Coldplay - Prospekt's March

This EP collects recordings from the sessions for Viva la Vida, Coldplay's most sonically tricked-out record, but the new songs feel too conservative after Viva's world-music-laden sprawl. Though "Rainy Day" finds Chris Martin crooning brightly over strings and swelling electronics, the swooning "Glass of Water" feels heavy-handed, and the atmospheric "Prospekt's March/Poppyfields" suffers from imagistic lyrics about "people talking without speaking." Fans should download "Lost+" — featuring a great Jay-Z cameo — and skip the rest.

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Saddled out of the gate as the presumptive winner of this year's Oscar for Best Picture, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is top-heavy with expectations. The nearly three-hour film is expanded from a very short story by literary god F. Scott Fitzgerald. Script duties fell to Eric Roth, who crafted the Academy-lauded life odyssey of Forrest Gump, which Ben Button structurally resembles. Gump had Tom Hanks as the title character, and Button has Brad Pitt. Believe me, Pitt has the more daunting task. He plays Ben from infanthood, a baby born with the wizened, room-clearing face of a man in his 80s. How'd they do that? Digital face painting, baby, which means slapping Pitt's computer-aged mug on tiny bodies as Ben ages backward till he reaches full growth. Digital kicks in again when Pitt, 44, has to look way younger.

Intrigued? How could you not be? The movie looks amazing. And for the first hour, when storytelling and special effects bond like lovers, it plays even better. You get a rush like Hollywood has discovered a brave new world. The technical wizardry sweeps you away, as baby Ben, abandoned by his appalled father (Jason Flemyng), is taken in by Queenie (the superb Taraji P. Henson), a black attendant at a New Orleans old-age home where death is never a stranger. Fitzgerald's 1921 story is likewise abandoned as Roth and co-writer Robin Swicord invent their own series of misadventures, starting in 1918 and moving ahead to the present. Ben lifts his fragile bones out of a wheelchair at a revival meeting and walks! Ben tries a whorehouse. Ben meets young Daisy (who grows up to be Cate Blanchett, which is nice growing up). Ben goes to sea on a tugboat with Captain Mike (a feisty Jared Harris). Ben fights for victory in World War II and takes on a Nazi U-boat in the film's most thunderously exciting scene.

So far, so cool. All praise to director David Fincher — far from the dark territories that made his rep with Alien 3, Se7en, Fight Club, The Game, Panic Room and Zodiac — and determined not to run aground where Gump did, on the shallows of rank sentimentality. What Fincher does, shooting digital instead of on film, is simply extraordinary. His astutely restrained direction fuses ferocity and feeling and creates a world you want to get lost in.

The downside is that Fincher has to keep fighting the script's push toward big, Gump-ish moments. Fincher dodges emo overkill when Queenie accompanies Benjamin to his father's funeral. And he brings a cool temperature to Ben's affair with a British spy's wife (Tilda Swinton).

More problematic is the relationship between Ben and Daisy. At the moment they meet in age and physical perfection, they're the most — let's admit it — dull. There's a light in Pitt's performance when Ben is a freak of nature, but the pretty-boy stuff doesn't engage him. And Blanchett, bringing romantic urgency and a lithe dancer's body to her role, can't really rouse him. For all the Sturm und Drang of the film's framing device — an aged Daisy dying in a hospital bed remembering her life with Ben while Katrina rages outside — the romance falls short of rapturous. While watching the movie wind down instead of build, I was reminded of the famous opening declaration in Dickens' David Copperfield: "Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show." What Button shows is that Ben is ultimately not the hero of his own life or his own movie. He gets inside our head, that's for sure, but, frustratingly, we never get inside his.

P.S.: The Academy won't mind a bit.

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Marley & Me

From John Grogan's bestseller comes a film about an untrainable Lab, named after Bob Marley, who teaches Grogan (Owen Wilson) and his wife (Jennifer Aniston) what matters in life. Watching the stars try to out-cutesy the mutt is one for the puke bucket.

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Fall Out Boy - Folie a Deux

Fall Out Boy have become the kings of emo — without actually showing much emotion. Sure, they make all the signature emo moves: Singer Patrick Stump bellows cries of hurt, catalogs of grievances and confessions of inadequacy over guitars that hurtle toward big choruses. The group's fourth album, Folie à Deux, begins in high-angst mode, with him crooning "I'm coming apart at the seams" over a funereal organ.

But behind the melodrama there is a smirk. In the galloping "Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes," Stump sings about nervous breakdowns and detox stints before delivering a jokey self-critique: "Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy." The title of "The (Shipped) Gold Standard" is an in-joke about record sales, and the chorus rises to winking couplet: "You can only blame your problems on the world for so long/Before it all becomes the same old song." In Fall Out Boy's world, tongue-in-cheek always trumps heart-on-sleeve.

That's certainly the case on Folie à Deux, their most exuberantly cheeky release yet. It's also their most rock-star-ish. The guest list boasts names that only an A-list band could corral, from emo homeboys (Gym Class Heroes' Travis McCoy) to rappers (Lil Wayne, Pharrell) to eminences (Elvis Costello, Debbie Harry). The music suggests that Fall Out Boy, now firmly established as leading Gen Y rock torchbearers, are starting to think about their place in history. In "Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet," Stump sings, "I don't just want to be a footnote." This heightened historical self-consciousness registers most strongly in the music itself, which mashes up the band's staples — caffeine-injected punk pop and bursts of prog-rock pomp — with more old-school sounds: Beatlesque backing vocals in "America's Suitehearts," string-swathed soul balladeering in the glorious "What a Catch, Donnie." Fall Out Boy began dabbling with R&B on 2007's Infinity on High, and they further explore their funky side here: Stump is emerging as one of the world's most unlikely blue-eyed-soul stars, breathing life into classic R&B chord progressions and flaunting his agile voice. (He seems determined to give Robin Thicke a run for the Best White Boy Falsetto prize.)

The musical mix on Folie à Deux suggests a band with an advanced case of ADD, ricocheting between genres and eras, tempos and time signatures, often several times in a given song. But there is monomaniacal focus in the lyrics of Pete Wentz, FOB's bassist, pin-up and poet/jester. Wentz is, as always, hyperverbose and infatuated by puns. (The wordplay is sometimes not quite as clever as Wentz thinks: "The mad key's tripping/Singing vows/Before we exchange smoke rings.") Above all, Fall Out Boy remain obsessed with Fall Out Boy. "Throw your cameras in the air/And wave them like you just don't care," Stump bellows in "(Coffee's for Closers)." Rock stars have been making records about rock stardom for decades, but few have had such fun singing about the absurdities, the narcissism — and, as the album title suggests, the follies — of a life lived in fame's strobelit glare. "I don't care what you think/As long as it's about me," sings Stump in "I Don't Care," adding what could be FOB's credo, a summary of their trickster-ish approach to the emo game: "The best of us can find happiness in misery."

Fall Out Boy - America's Suiteheart

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Pasang Tanda Tangan di Outlook Express, Windows Mail dan Windows Live Mail

Memasang gambar tanda tangan di program Outlook ExpressWindows Mail danWindows Live Mail akan sedikit merepotkan. Tetapi sebenarnya begitu gambar terpasang, berikutnya akan mudah digunakan.

Masalah yang ada selama ini, ketiga program ini tidak mengijinkan Anda memasukkan gambar dalamsignature Anda. Tetapi ada celah yang masih bisa digunakan, yaitu mereka masih mengijinkan untuk memasukkan alamat URL. Hal ini berarti Anda harus menempatkan gambar Anda di suatu situs, yang mana juga bisa diakses oleh penerima emailAnda. Jika Anda belum punya webupload saja gambarnya ke situs sharing foto seperti Flickr atau Picasa Web Albums.

Kemudian, Anda harus membuat signature itu menjadi sebuah file HTML. Anda bisa melakukannya pada program email Anda. Langkah-langkahnya seperti ini:
1. Di browser web, masuklah ke halaman web yang menampilkan gambar Anda. Jika Anda menggunakan Firefox, klik kanan pada gambar itu dan pilih Copy Image Location. Jika Anda menggunakan Internet Explorer, klik kanan pada gambar kemudian pilih Properties, blok alamat URL yang tampil, kemudian tekan Ctrl-C.

2. Buat email baru. Pada bagian teks, pilih menu Insert-Picture. Tekan Ctrl-V untuk paste alamat URL pada bagian yang ada. Tutup dialog box-nya.

3. Masukkan teks apapun yang Anda inginkan pada signature, atau kala tidak aturlah tampilan signature seperti yang Anda mau.

4. Ketika Anda sudah yakin, klik tab Source pada bagian dasar window edit. Jika Anda tidak melihat tab, pilih View-Source Edit untuk menampilkannya.

5. Pada tampilan message source, pilih teks antara tag dalam tanda kurungBODY dan /BODY. Tekan Ctrl-C.

6. Jalankan program Notepad. Tekan Ctrl-V untuk memasukkan kode HTMLhasil copy tadi. Simpanlah ke nama file signature.htm.

7. Kembalilah ke program email client, pilih Tools-Options, pilih tab Signatureskemudian klik tombol New.

8. Di bawah Edit Signature, pilih File dan arahkan ke file signature.htm. Jika Anda menggunakan dialog box Open, pastikan yang terpilih adalah tipe fileHTML, sehingga dialog box akan menampilkan file .htm bukan .txt.

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Long Life w/ fasting

You know the secret from living that is healthier and Many Happy Returns? Very clear that not botox. There is one method that more is easy and cheap than that, that is fasting! This interesting to be paid attention to, because of fasting uptil now more is seen as a ritual piety, but the scientific research also gives the profit guarantee from the fast. Reduce your body from asupan food can help the body. Dr. Ray Walford, the famous researcher from UCLA mengatakan,"Reduce eat as far as this is concerned am the only method that is known by us constantly slow down the process of ageing. "old expression from Greece says,"Than use the medicine, fast". In the Christian religious teaching, Jesus says to fast for 40 days in a meditation. While to Muslim group all over the world always fast for 30 days each year during the holy month of ramadhan. We are always advised when being sick, that is best must continue to eat in order to be able to maintain our power. In fact, the fact is not that. If a person who is sick really fasts, the power Will be available to help to wage war on the illness because the body is relieved of duty from the task of digesting food. Energy that is needed to digest food really big. Always have advice in order to not swim after eating or if being not followed by us would kram in water. The other example that is in the festival like Thanksgiving when people eat as being not tomorrow. After eating that much, will be felt powerful or tired? The example that is easy that is when eating big before sleeping, when getting up will be felt very tired. His reason all here really finds it easy, digest food need very big energy. When you fast, all available energy will be focussed to eliminate available poison in the body. Unfortunately only animals and the baby that continue to have this natural instinct when being sick and refusing to eat. The research to the fasting profit of Dr. Ray Walford, the famous researcher from UCLA mengatakan,"Reduce eat as far as this is concerned am the only method that is known by us constantly slow down the process of ageing The maximum period lives from the bloody animal hot. This research is not doubted again also can be used for humankind because of being current for each species that uptil now is researched. "the same Research conclude if restricting the entry of food in the body will increase the system of body immunity and slow down the physiological decline in the body. Fast in basically am a method of giving one day the holiday in the digestion system so as the process of restoration can be undertaken. Expertly the health suggest fast a day in one month, in fact for the healthy person. For Muslim is recommended to fast twice in a week as the addition from the obligatory fast for 30 days in each year. The research for the sake of the research showed the most certain method of extending the age is by reducing the amount of food that is eaten. For example a research in the Cornell University by Dr. Clive McCay. He uses the mouse as the object of the research. By reducing half of his food numbers, succeeded in doubling his life period. The other research in the Texan University that involve Produce the interesting note. The first group, eat totalling that they want. The second group, the allocation eats him is reduced until more than half. The third group, can eat at will but asupan his protein is reduced until half. Amazing results are received. After more than 2 years, only 13% of the mouse to the first group that still is living. To the second group where the amount of food that enters is reduced by half of it, 97% him still live. In the third group, only half him that still is remaining. Order here quite simple,"eat fewer, then you will live am longer. "guard your stomach then he will take care of you. So don't hesitate again to fasting!

(english edit)

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